
About Academy

TAoM Today

Togliatti Academy of Management is a higher educational institution that includes a kindergarten, secondary school and high school. Such educational infrastructure realizes the concept of continuous education and trains managerial personnel for all spheres of activity.

Togliatti Academy of Management was founded in 1991.

TAoM founders are Government of Samara regionTogliatti City HallJSC AVTOVAZ.

TAoM mission

The mission of the Academy is to educate and prepare a new generation of modern thinking, educated and professionally trained people who are able to be leaders, understand modern business and management trends, and lead like-minded people to the realization of the intended goal.

The Academy trains young managers and specialists capable of working in the fields of state, municipal, economic, financial, social, communicative and semiotic management, ensuring the effective operation and competitiveness of Russian enterprises and organizations in the global economy. These are people with a heightened sense of responsibility to their people and the state for the worthy future of the country.

TAoM features

- Real career impact: 100% employment of TAoM graduates.

- TAoM unique system of education: diversity of training approaches.

- Career growth: TAoM practical training.

- Healthy environment: ecological location.

- New opportunities for business development.

Principles of training

«Learn by doing»

Master the norms and methods of any work in the process of solving practical tasks.

«Do as I do!» 

Demonstrate samples of activity to those who are ready to learn from you; find those from whom you can learn something.

«Fit for all» 

Form your psychophysical readiness for action through training, testing and discipline.

«You make your future» 

Change the existing problem situations by developing projects and actions for their implementation.

«Organize yourself» 

Сhoose the career and educational path in accordance with personal goals and life plans.

«Be mobile»

Our people are getting used to change, they are mobile and ready for tomorrow.

«Interdisciplinary approach»

The infrastructural approach aims to develop students' ability to utilize knowledge from different disciplines and the appearance of different competencies.

Academy and Togliatti city

The Academy is located in Togliatti. The urban district of Togliatti is located in a unique area of Russia, about 1,000 kilometers southeast of the capital Moscow. It is the second largest and most important city in the Samara Region. It is surrounded by the Zhigulev Mountains and the Volga plains, lakes and the great Russian river Volga. The Samarskaya Luka National Park and the Zhigulevsky Reserve are nearby.


Smart city project

Togliatti was chosen by the Russian government to implement pilot projects under “Smart City” program among 20 Russian cities and became a member of the International Smart Sustainable City Club (ISSCC).

Special Economic Zone

The place attracting foreign companies with its favourable conditions. Targeted at changing the structure of regional economy and providing its growth.

«Zhiguli Valley» science park

It specializes in innovation startups and IT.


Soviet and Russian automobile manufacturing company. The largest manufacturer of passenger cars in Eastern Europe.